Sunday 4 May 2014


Imagine being entered into something you don't quite want to join and get ready for. Probably won't be too glad about it, or confident. Well, here's the thing -- I was entered into a competition by my coach with like 2 weeks notice and I was barely ready for it. I was just paired up with another girl on my team, who I don't even (sorry) new existed on the team. Apparently, it is part of our program or something, I don't know, but we aren't exactly allowed to back out. I was actually thinking of being mean and just not going to it, but then I would have to ditch my partner and all that jazz, so I went! Guess what? It was pretty awful. First off, my partner and I both have horrible balance. Secondly, in the river we went to paddle in, they had no proper landing/dock, so we had to climb in from this teeny tiny beach thing. Thirdly, the water was pretty choppy. Besides that, it was freezing and it was raining. What more can I add to the beautiful list? Me and a couple of other teammate got withdrawn because we failed to get to the starting line without falling out at least 10 times on the way there. So there you go, the summary of my perfect day! Unfortunately, there is more to this fun little tale. YAY -- not. So after we got withdrawn, we went to the shower rooms to clean up and all, and then BAM, I dropped my clean Trekkie into a big fat puddle in the public toilet. So I was stuck wearing the tiny little spare shorts I had thankfully packed in my bag, and let's just say the weather just loves me so dang much that it became cooler after that. Wonderful, huh? The competition host probably felt bad for us so they presented us with these ribbons that wrote 'ENCOURAGEMENT' on it and honestly it was kinda like a big sign writing LOSER on you, not too nice, but it was a cool ribbon nonetheless. Oh, and I have another sport event tomorrow :( so hopefully things won't go all crazy on me again!
-edited and updated version-

Update (9:08 pm 4/05/14) : Guess what? The sports event tomorrow is cancelled. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. Happy because I don't have to be at another house event or sad that I have to wake up earlier to get myself to school. *sighs deeply*
Maybe I could just skip? *evil smirk*

Until next time, my pulchritudinous readers :)


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